Through the school council meeting of December 88, March 89, approved by the Ministry of Education set the establishment of the Center for Continuing Education, February 1998 merged with the Division of Continuing Education Division of Continuing Education, adapted for the promotion of education group, in August 1999 expanded toCenter for Continuing Education.
The purpose of this center for the public in accordance with the universities and technical education goals above levels apply for specialist teaching and enhance the educational activities of the public education standard.
Courses offered by the center can be divided into two parts, the credit classes and non-credit credit classes after graduation passing grades may be granted credit certificates, course content of the course of our school curriculum. Granted after the closure of non-credit and certificate of attendance, course content to enhance the level of public knowledge-based attend qualifications as set out by pamphlets.
Future diversification in response to social change, industrial restructuring and demand, as well as the license of the era, will handle all kinds of growth of technical and vocational certification training; line with government policy, to undertake various government commissioned office training courses, training management class to the second expertise, biotechnology courses spindle, license examinations and counseling employment pipeline, in order to achieve the goal of training with unity.